Everything you wanted to know about Biometric Security, Liveness Detection, Spoofing Attacks, and Antispoofing Measures, Access Control, Liveness Check, and Recognition Security Systems.

4 min read
What Is Knowledge Distillation? Knowledge distillation (KD) is a process of transferring knowledge from a more sizable neural model to a smaller one. A more robust model is used to “teach” a simpler student neural network. This is done to cut the computational and deployment costs whenever a model needs to be adapted for a
5 min read
What Countries Are the Leaders in GenAI Development? Even though the early prototypes of GenAI emerged in the 1960s, little to no attention was drawn to Artificial Intelligence until the 1980s when the “AI renaissance” began, stimulated by various technological factors. During that period, the USA was the main “brain center” for AI research, though
Antispoofing — The Key to Safety in Digital and Real Worlds
Antispoofing is an amalgam of machine learning, anatomical studies, and behavioral psychology, which solves one essential issue: keeping people’s assets and private information safe in the era when biometric data can easily be peeped and replicated.
Biometric security is a crucial aspect of our digital lives, but it's not without its vulnerabilities. Antispoofing measures are a combination of machine learning, anatomical studies, and behavioral psychology designed to keep our assets and private information safe from malicious attacks. In this encyclopedia, we'll delve into the world of liveness detection, spoofing attacks, and antispoofing measures to explore the most effective ways to combat these threats.
Spoofing attacks have become increasingly common, especially with the rise of mobile technology and the Internet of Things. These attacks involve fabricating liveness cues or synthesizing a completely falsified person to gain access to sensitive data, money, or control over devices and vehicles. The goal of antispoofing measures is to prevent these attacks and ensure the security of our biometric data.
Liveness detection is a crucial component of antispoofing measures. It allows us to avoid a wide range of fraudulent techniques and prevent identity theft. Swindlers often target various systems, including mobile phones, smart domestic appliances, and Automatic Border Control systems. By detecting liveness, we can prevent these attacks and keep our biometric data safe.
Spoofing attacks can take many forms, including voice, fingerprint, face, or heart rate replication. These attacks are often carried out remotely, making it easier for attackers to manipulate biometric security systems. The proliferation of deepfake tools has made it even easier for regular people to produce falsified media, such as face swaps, with just a few clicks. This has significant implications for our digital security and the need for effective antispoofing measures.
5 min read
What Countries Are the Leaders in GenAI Development? Even though the early prototypes of GenAI emerged in the 1960s, little to no attention was drawn to Artificial Intelligence until the 1980s when the “AI renaissance” began, stimulated by various technological factors. During that period, the USA was the main “brain center” for AI research, though
4 min read
Can People Tell If a Text Is Created by AI? Human ability to detect GenAI content has been a topic of discussion since at least 2017, when the first generative models capable of producing realistic images became publicly available. With the rise of other advanced generative models — GPT, Bark, stable diffusion — identifying synthetic
4 min read
4 min read
What Is LLM Watermark Erasing (Removing) Attack? Watermark erasing attack is an unauthorised process of removing metadata inserted in some type of media: video, image, text, and so on. Large Language Models (LLMs) and their output are also watermarked. The attack is typically orchestrated without tempering with the encryption key applied to protect the media.
The Evolution of Deepfakes
A Growing Threat to Identity Verification and Financial Security
Fraudsters using simple household items like playdough, body paint, gelatin-based candy, glue, and construction paper to mimic liveness and bypass antispoofing systems.
More sophisticated physical attacks include using highly realistic 3D masks that emulate body heat, severing a deceased person’s finger or extracting an eye, and even undergoing plastic surgery to defeat biometric verification.
Fraudsters investing months in social engineering, collecting training data to produce high-quality deepfakes, attempting reverse engineering, and exploring novel attack vectors.
4 min read
Artificial Superintelligence and Potential Threats Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) is a concept, which refers to an AI so powerful, it can overshadow the collective intelligence of the entire humankind combined. In this regard, a concern has been raised about possible threats posed by an ASI towards humans. According to an expert survey (2022 ESPAI), there’s a
5 min read
What is Voice Cloning and How It Can Be Used in Financial Fraud? Voice cloning is a machine learning-based technology which can plausibly mimic a voice. With the help of neural models, it’s possible to imitate timbre, intonation, accent, and even emotion that is inherent to human speech. Voice cloning is known to be featured
Fake media detection
Fake media detection is also an essential part of antispoofing, which are designed to differentiate a real person from a perpetrator using various biometric parameters like voice, retina, iris, fingerprint, and facial recognition.
Fake media detection is crucial for antispoofing to prevent disastrous consequences such as social instability, public opinion manipulation, and defamation. Sociology experts highlight two negative phenomena induced by fake media: liar’s dividend and reality apathy.
Antispoofing techniques and liveness detection solutions analyze input data such as pop noises, face coloring, light distribution, depth and geometry, and general liveness signals to spot fake body parts, facial alterations, replay attacks, and synthesized audiovisuals.
The discussion includes the most successful methods and best tools, international antispoofing and liveness standards, attack types and their classification, terminology, and other relevant aspects. The data is validated through scientific publications and popular media dedicated to liveness security and antispoofing.
Everything you wanted to know about Biometric Security, Liveness Detection, Spoofing Attacks, and Antispoofing Measures.
Learn more about Access Control, Liveness Check, and Recognition Security Systems.
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